Sep 7, 2010

Is Social Media right for your business?

2.6 million users "checking in" on FourSquare

27.9 million+ bloggers in the US

Facebook has over 103+ million users (including 300,000+ business pages)

Nearly 106 million people "tweeting" on Twitter

143.2 million unique viewers on YouTube in June 2010 alone!

These numbers are staggering! More importantly, they represent the number of people that are a potential audience for your business if you use one of these sites. But is social media the right avenue to engage with your current clients and promote your brand to gain new clients?

While a social media strategy may not be right for every business, there are many that can positively measure the impact of a Facebook page or Twitter account on their bottom lines! Erik Qualman gives some great examples of businesses (large and small) that had great success using social media in his video Social Media ROI: Socialnomics. The New York Times also tells us some success stories of small businesses who saw a great return on investment from their Twitter marketing efforts.

If your company has a small (or non-existent) ad budget, social media may be the answer. Most social networking sites are free to use so for only the cost of your time, devoting a few minutes a day to "tweet" on Twitter, post an informative blog relevant to your product/service or share interesting links or photos on Facebook can result in increased exposure for your company and increased sales. So are you ready to embrace social media for your business?!

NMC has gone social, follow us on Twitter and "like" us on Facebook)


  1. Check out this article that ran in the New York Times with the headline "Social Media Are Easier Than You Think",

    The LA Times ran this story: "Local merchants use Facebook, Twitter to attract and keep customers." In it, Sacha Joseph Mathews, assistant professor of marketing at the Eberhardt School of Business at University of the Pacific is quoted as saying "Facebook's and Twitter's potential to help businesses during a dismal economy should be too enticing for many to pass up." Read more at,0,7694236.story

  2. Check out this webpage where Trish Jones shares how her blog helped her get a new client from across the Atlantic and also helped her to become a published author!


  3. Here are some great posts from Postling's blog on using social media to grow your business:

    How Can Small Businesses Get Started with Social Media? -

    How Small Businesses are Using Social Media in 2010 -

    "We're always open to ideas." An interview with Maribel of Caracas Arepa Bar - learn more about how she’s used social media to grow a truly loyal customer base -


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