Sep 8, 2010

Social Networking beyond Facebook and Twitter

By now, many professionals are using of Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to reach clients, network with industry peers and market their businesses. But they can also tap into many niche social networking sites that cater to individuals based on interest or profession.

Here is a list of just a few of the social networking sites specifically for real estate professionals:

* Real Town - For consumers looking for buyer and seller information and real estate professional seeking resources and networking opportunities
* Active Rain - A social network and marketing site
* RealEstateVoices - A social real estate news site
* Zolve - Connect buyers, sellers and owners with information provided by real estate professionals
* Broker Agent Social - "A peer to peer community open to real estate professionals of all types: Real Estate Sales, Mortgage, Title, and all those who provide support to the Real Estate Industry"

We found a list of many niche social networks broken down by industry/interest on Social Media Answers - many of the sites listed are built using Ning, a site that allows you to create your own social network.

1 comment:

  1. Check out "How Social Media Can Benefit Those in Real Estate" on Postling's blog,


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